As an individual working in the aviation industry, ‘Are you a Life Saver’?
There are those which work in the Air Ambulance field. They are without a doubt “Life Savers”. Their efforts should always be viewed with great awe and appreciation. They will go to places and do things most will never see or understand.
While their services are lifesaving and should be acknowledged, they are not the people this article is about.
This article is about those people who work in an industry that so many people put their trust in. There are thousands of people willing to trust their lives to the aircraft that will take them a few hundred miles, or around the world. This almost blind trust is not in the machine we call an aircraft. It is in the industry. An industry of people. People doing their job each day. An industry of people, ensuring each part of the industry, which is critical to the final result of the aircraft making it to its destination without incident.
It does not matter if you work as a pilot, mechanic or flight attendant, or if you are the quiet individual working in the shop disassembling and reassembling a complex component, each of those tasks are vital in the overall safe and efficient operation of the aviation industry. Great coaches and leaders encourage each individual to perform their job to the best of their ability. If everyone does their job right and to the best of their ability the industry will continue to succeed.
But the question remains, “Are you a ‘Life Saver’”?
Consider the other day when that component was disassembled, and a small defect was discovered. That simple discovery saved lives. It is small and appears to be a simple thing at the time. What would have happened if the defect had not been discovered? Maybe the defect was a symptom of another defect. The defect is noted, submitted to the FAA and a database indicates the defect is in several similar cases. Changes are made and the defects are corrected industry wide. A terrible tragedy was stopped before it became real. These kinds of things happen every day.
A pilot notes a problem with an automated system. The system is inspected, and a wiring problem is discovered. Turns out the harness was being assembled incorrectly. Tragedy averted; lives saved.
A mechanic noticed working rivets. An inspection reveals a crack in the airframe. Tragedy averted; lives saved.
A Flight attendant gives a complete passenger briefing. An emergency develops and because of the calm demeanor of the professional (Flight Attendant) everyone onboard the airplane moves to an exit and deplanes. No one was injured and was safely moved away from the emergency. Tragedy averted; lives saved.
Some of these events make headlines. Some occur in quite shops where no one notices. Many times, the heroes in the story, are “Just Professionals" doing their job. Professionals doing their job to the best of their ability with a focus on doing it right every time.
Each ARE Life Savers!
Each are the kind of things that make the aviation industry one of the safest industries in the world.
Be safe, Be strong and Stay Professional,
Jeffery N. Howard